
An old McCormick-Deering wagon,

That’s parked by our driveway,

Vintage nineteen-thirty-two,

And useful in its day.


Created for the farm and freight,

I always wanted one,

Bought it from my old friend, Bart,

To have it just for fun.


The last time it was pulled by mules,

Was on a gospel Sunday,

When we met for cowboy worship,

I never thought that one day,


That Bart, my old compadre,

Would have to say good-bye,

Crossing on to glory,

His cowboy soul to fly.


He left behind this wagon,

That he drove those years ago,

And every time I see it,

I think of all I owe,


To those who’ve been a blessing,

In my life with friendship true,

Those who spoke the truth in love,

To show me what to do.


My cowboy friends and brothers,

Gather soon for their good-bye,

Bart’s coffin in a wagon,

There’ll be prayers and tears to cry.


Just a little piece of history,

From a wooden wagon seat,

Oh the stories it could tell us,

That we would all repeat.


An old McCormick-Deering,

Parked in Texas’ deepest heart,

Not far from the Brazos,

And it still does its part,


To remind us of what matters,

Time with family and friends,

And when the Good Lord calls us,

Our days will  have an end.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints…” (Ephesians 1:18, NAS)

This is part of the prayer that Paul prays for the Ephesian Christians. He asks God to give them an enlightenment concerning the riches of their inheritance. This would bring to them a great sense of joy but also perspective. The old wagon and the passing of my friend, Bart, has caused me to reflect on future glory. He was only one year older than me, and it’s really hard to believe he’s gone. But he has gone where we are heading. And life is measured by eternity. All should motivate us to make life count.

Lord, enlighten us, in Jesus’ name.

Personal pic.

Brad McClain