
It wasn’t what she wanted,

And just the same for him,

it’s like the devil flaunted,

What had and could have been.

They argued with the outcome,

They let go all their rage,

They were much more than outdone,

And couldn’t turn the page.

The skies were bright and brassy,

And still no sign of rain,

The banker’s voice was sassy,

The note was due again.

No chance for extension,

No bail-out hope this time,

It had all their attention,

Their dream was on the line.

And that was raisin’ horses,

They’d turn out yearlings, too,

But dried up creekbed courses,

They wondered what to do.

They prayed and both worked harder,

Her job in town just paid,

The interest from the bank note,

That year that’s all they made.

And now third year it’s ending,

The dream did not come true,

And though they gave up spending,

They knew that they were through.

And then as if a voice spoke,

They grabbed each others’ hands,

Knelt there as their hearts broke,

And turned from sinking sands,

To the One who was their Savior,

And never left their side,

Graced humble behavior,

And flowed down with a tide,

Of mercy, love, compassion,

The peace they longed to know,

And though not modern fashion,

They cried to Him to show,

What they could do about it,

After all they’d done,

And they could never doubt it,

The words straight from the Son.

Let me be your focus,

Let me lift the load,

There’s no hocus-pocus,

Just power for your road.

We all love happy endings,

We want them all to be,

But God will do His sendings,

From where we are, you see.

God’s miracles bring changes,

To everything in sight,

And we’re glad He exchanges,

What’s wrong for all things right.

But sometimes it’s not everything,

The Good Lord wants to change,

A change in me He wants to bring,

And my life rearrange.

Both are still His doing,

And joyfully by faith,

His will our focus viewing,

As we run the race.

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus…”(Hebrews 12:2, NLT)

Keeping one’s eyes on Jesus seems pretty simple. True, till something terrible happens to distract us and fill our hearts with worry, fear and dread. That’s when it’s the hardest thing to do, but exactly when we need it the most. Truth is, no one can focus for us. They can love us, encourage us and pray for us. But they cannot focus for us. That’s a personal decision and choice. What has your attention? It might be a good thing that is simply not God’s best thing for you. Or it can be something completely out of line with God’s will. In either case, whatever it is, adjusting back to Jesus stacks the odds that we will have greater peace and the strength we need to carry on. We can, therefore we should.

Lord, help us focus our gaze on You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain