Why did that mare founder,
Why that calf a still-born birth,
Why so many things go wrong,
All across this earth.
Why’d that buck-off hurt him,
When so many times before,
He always rode the rank ones,
And got a real high score.
Why do sometimes kids get sick,
And though their mama prays,
Nothing anyone can do,
And they die anyways.
Why do good men suffer,
When evil ones succeed,
Why won’t God do something,
What a spankin’s what they need.
And I don’t have the answers,
Sometimes I wish I did,
But I’ve been taught to trust the Lord,
Since I was just a kid.
And sometimes it’s heart breaking,
This life of faith we lead,
‘Cause we believe in miracles,
That God meets every need.
But often long’s the answer,
And some don’t come at all,
Even though in Jesus’ name,
It’s on the Lord we call.
But I still choose to trust Him,
Even when I do not know,
Why some bad things happen,
Or answers come real slow.
We live in the between times,
Still under Adam’s curse,
And before the Lord returns,
The Book says things get worse.
The dark when at its strongest,
Cannot drive out the light,
And all will soon be conquered,
When God makes all things right.
And until then we’ll praise Him,
Till we know as we are known,
And hear Him say He is well-pleased,
With how our faith has grown.
Jesus reigns with certainty,
Till all enemies submit,
And I full-out believe it,
And that’s why I won’t quit.
“For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:25, NAS)
Two things to remember here. First, Jesus reigns. This means that ultimately Jesus is Lord of every circumstance. This doesn’t mean, however, that everything turns out perfectly every time. It just means we can trust the Lord to work in and through everything for His glory and our good. Second, while currently reigning, Jesus is still in the process of conquering every enemy. One day all will submit, but not yet. We are part of the process that moves toward the manifestation of Jesus’ rule when every wrong is made right and only His will is done. Until then, we trust Him.
Lord, help us trust Your Lordship, but now and eternally, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.