
“Praiser” 2.1.2025

You know they count their blessings,

And praise God in all things,

With them it is a habit,

It’s clear their spirit sings.


And you know that they’ve suffered,

And yet they are content,

The Holy Spirit helps them,

His peace is what He sent.


They’ve given up complaining,

Their argument is gone,

Replaced the need to gossip,

And all they know is wrong,


To become a praiser,

With the Spirit and what’s true,

And they are just the very ones,

Sought by God to do,


All that fills eternity,

In that eternal place,

When all we do is praise Him,

In heaven face to face.

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing…” (Philippians 2:14, NIV)

There is so much to complain about that we hardly know where to start. But if we are Spirit-filled and have a thankful attitude, the need to complain or argue is removed. It’s not that life is perfect. It’s that even in its imperfection Gpd reigns. The Holy Spirit helps us to cultivate a consistent thankfulness. This attitude of gratitude is a celebration of God’s goodness despite what seeks to steal it.

Lord, teach us to praise You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain