I know it’s true,
I really do,
We reap just what we sow.
Good or bad,
The seeds we had,
We planted and will grow.
The harvest came,
And made it’s claim,
On everything you see.
But I have grace,
To seek His face,
The best is yet to be.
Why believe,
That I’ll receive,
More than what I sowed?
Because He said,
The words in red,
His mercy to me flowed.
So on one hand,
In sinking sand,
I waded for awhile.
But God was good,
His promise would,
Wipe clean my sinful file.
A brand-new start,
And from the heart,
I say these words to you:
There is a way,
To start today,
He will make all things new.
So don’t despair,
The God of care,
Knows all that you have done.
He graces life,
And paid the price,
Through Jesus Christ the Son.
The biggest seed,
For deepest need,
Was sown by Christ alone.
And it will bear,
My heart, it’s there,
Through us His harvest shone.
Life is not through,
There’s more to do,
God knows when that will end.
But by His grace,
We’ll run the race,
And serve Him until then.
“At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up…” (Gal. 6:9, NLT)
Not giving up sounds good, but if you’re down and low, and dealing with a bad harvest, it’s hard to keep on going. People give up all the time on all kinds of things. But, truth is, people keep on keeping on, too. It’s not about what they do anyway. It’s about what we do, what I do. I choose to keep on going. I choose to hope in something better. I choose to make peace with the past. I choose to accept God’s forgiveness and grace. I’ve planted bad seeds and so have we all. But the seed that trumps all others is the seed of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. He said if the seed did not die it would abide alone, but if it died and was planted, it would bear a great harvest. We are that harvest. He chose us, and now we get to choose Him. In choosing Him, we are part of the great harvest He died to save. His choice of us is bigger than any sinful choice we have ever made. Consequences? Yes. Despair? No, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, help us plant righteous seeds today, and never give up, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.