
The world’s vast teeming refuse,

Still comes from distant shores,

Lady liberty still welcomes,

Just as she did before.


But now with borders over-run,

Good people wonder why,

We cannot find a better way,

We know we have to try.


To make a plan that’s safe for all,

And still gives folks a chance,

For liberty and justice, too,

And join the freedom dance.


A great rebirth of freedom,

Secures our dear homeland,

And offers opportunity,

Through a just and righteous plan.


Sweeping through from coast to coast,

The Spirit’s power out-poured,

Bringing change we know we need,

The blessing of the Lord.


Better we don’t quench away,

What He alone can bring,

Send it, Lord, and send it now,

And show that God is King.


Return us, please, to trust in You,

And for the least of these,

Help us always to be true,

And your heart to please.


And, Lord, bless every margin,

And those who dwell therein,

Bring back from danger’s perils,

And save their souls from sin.


Raise up the righteous standard,

Of those whose legacy,

Is living for the Lord our God,

With the brave and with the free.

“Then the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.” (Matthew 25:40, NAS)

America is the great melting pot of the world. Emma Lazarus’ poem at the base of the statue of liberty makes welcome the tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the teeming refuse of the world. And they have come from everywhere to experience freedom’s dream. This reflects what Jesus said about helping the least of these- the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, imprisoned- those with desperate need. Yet, we wonder how the crisis at our border can find safety and security while still helping people who really need it. We believe there are answers that can only be found when America has a spiritual awakening and rebirth. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that can show us the righteous way forward. That’s what we really need.

Lord, send America the rebirth we need, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Jason Rich, used by permission. Thanks, Jason, and God bless you.

Brad McClain