"Religion without Jesus"

Religion without Jesus,

Is really hard to take,

Long ago it took His life,

He let it for our sake.


But that old religious spirit,

Is still alive and well,

And it’s not the Holy Spirit,

And comes right straight from hell.


It judges everybody,

It will not give you grace,

It’s all about controlling,

How you run the race.


It is not based on scripture,

Except the ones it likes,

And they can quote ‘em freely,

But pick and choose what’s right.


They ignore their own sins,

Of arrogance and pride,

Congratulate each other,

Ignore the ones outside.


Don’t care much for sinners,

And the least of these,

More about the money,

The powerful appease.


They often are enamored,

With traditions they uphold,

And do not often listen,

When the Spirit warms the cold.


So let the lukewarm hear it,

And the hypocrite come clean,

Religion is a substitute,

That’s murderous and mean.

Cast out that old problem,

Return to one’s first love,

Humbly seeking Jesus,

For revival from above.

“…I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold…” (Rev. 3:15, NLT)

Being in between is not a good place to be. If you are cold and know it, it leaves room for God to convict and convince you to change. If you are hot and know it, It leaves room for God to direct and course-correct your life as you seek to be led by the Spirit. The lukewarm are spiritually blind, not because they believe the wrong things but they have moved to a habit of excluding Jesus. And that never works because we rely upon the power of Jesus for victory at every level. Jesus knocks at our door to return to His place of eminence, fellowship and authority. He’s knocking. He comes. There’s no doubt about it.

Lord, deliver us from any “religious” habit that excludes You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain