
A rip-snorter in the quarter,

And a bucker on the loose,

Watch him run, go have some fun,

We’ll rope the old cayuse.


And if we don’t, don’t think we won’t,

Give it our best try,

‘Cause when one goes, that’s when we shows,

It’s cowboy up or die.


The plan for my old Houlihan,

Is neck him the first throw,

Then you come in, scoop heels and then,

We’ll check him up, you know.


And if I miss I’ll tell you this,

We sure won’t hesitate,

You catch his neck and what the heck,

I’ll heel him, won’t be late.


But if by chance his dodge and dance,

Make us both look bad,

We won’t give up and durned the luck,

It’s the kind of day we had.


And sure enough though it was tough,

We got that old son caught,

My shirt was torn by mesquite thorn,

You lost the hat you bought.


But all in all as I recall,

We got the job done right,

When an old cayuse a-buckin’ loose,

We gathered in ‘fore night.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (John 10:10, NLT)

Jesus is describing His role as the shepherd of the sheep versus the wolf who brings only destruction. Jesus said His purpose was to give us a rich and satisfying life. Often translated “abundant life,” the words actually mean “super-abundant” life. Many have a terrible misconception of the Christian life. They believe it is only about surrender, suffering and sacrifice. No doubt there is a high price to pay to live as a disciple of Jesus. But none of this negates or minimizes the great adventure of knowing Christ and making Him known. Some act as if the party happened before they were saved and now the party is over until we get to heaven. Nonsense! This life is meant to be a super-abundant adventure. It’s a rip-snorter all the way!

Lord, help us live the abundant life You died to give us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain