"The Devil's Whisper"
The wild ride has a dark side,
That sometimes no one sees,
And bright lights, glitzy big sights,
Can bring you to your knees.
All because the devil’s whisper,
Blinds you and deceives.
Paul told it and we hold it,
In the Good Book there it is,
That the devil with his revel,
Will destroy those who are his.
All because the devil’s whisper,
Is some mighty dirty biz.
The Lamb’s blood says that we could,
Overcome the snake,
Don the armor, fight the charmer,
And the Spirit’s power take.
All because the devil’s whisper,
Is all counterfeit and fake.
So, my brother, you’re another,
Warrior who has won,
Because to you and right through you,
Comes the power of the Son.
And because the devil’s whisper,
Can’t convince us that we’re done.
A fighter and all nighter,
We will intercede and pray,
The great Sword of the Spirit,
God’s Word will have its say.
God will stop the devil’s whisper,
When Jesus has His day.
“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil…” (Ephesians 6:11, NLT)
The Bible clearly teaches that we are in a spiritual battle and need God’s help to win it. The war is won, but there are battles to fight until every knee bows and every tongue confesses Jesus is Lord. Paul’s counsel is to put on the whole armor of God, with each piece describing a different part of our relationship to the Lord. Putting on our armor means we are wearing our true identity in Christ. Christ in us and through us empowers us to overcome every deception, distraction and delay. Fight on, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, help us take seriously the spiritual battle and depend upon the power of Your Spirit to prevail, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jason Rich, jasonrichstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jason, and God bless you.