"Salt and Light"
The Bible says we’re salt and light,
And I believe it’s true,
But if we are what Jesus said,
There’s lots for us to do.
To season with God’s flavor,
So they taste that He is good,
And salt will hold back rottenness,
And preserve the way it should.
But thrown out, good for nothing,
And trampled underfoot,
If salt has lost its savor,
And has no more output.
Jesus said the city lights,
On a hill should not be hid,
Why even have a light to shine,
If that’s what people did.
But we should shine the light of Christ,
So that all men see,
Works that glorify the Lord,
And that’s how it should be.
All those who belong to Him,
He’ll use to advertise,
How truly great His grace and pow’r,
If we don’t compromise.
Evil men are not afraid,
To tell you what they think,
To spread their dark agenda,
And bold to raise a stink.
While good men do not take stand,
But idly go along,
Hide their light, don’t shake the salt,
And, brother, that is wrong.
So if there ever was a time,
For us to get this right,
Be the salt that this world needs,
And boldly shine the light.
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16, NAS)
Jesus calls His disciples to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Both roles mean we are called to make a difference in this world. Salt had two uses in ancient times. It was a flavoring agent and was also used to preserve meat. We all called to “flavor” the world with Christ’s presence and hold back the rottenness of secular society. As the light of the world we are called to let our good works point others to God. As salt and light we join the great adventure of changing the world in partnership with Him.
Lord, help us to become salt and light, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission.