When young we can’t imagine,
How tired we’ll one day feel,
‘Cause we have boundless energy,
And lots of time to kill.
But then before you know it,
Things aren’t quite the same,
Joints and muscles do things,
And you are now in pain.
I cowboy as a young man,
Ad I can cowboy still,
But I will tell you, brother,
The changes with this deal.
You want your horses gentle,
You’d soon they wouldn’t buck,
‘Cause even if you rode ‘em,
You’d still be out of luck.
You cannot take the pounding,
Of one who’s lost his mind,
So ride old man broke horses,
If ever you can find.
You don’t ge in no hurry,
You ease along and show,
The way to be deliberate,
And handle cattle so.
You never want to argue,
You run from a debate,
You only want some quiet,
And you can hardly wait,
To get to the supper table,
And get your belly full,
Get your boots both pulled off,
And turn off all the bull.
Yes, life gets really simple,
When you get this old,
‘Course it ain’t exactly over,
But the story’s past half told.
So praise God for the season,
Of a seasoned, older man,
And try to make the finish,
As strong as e’er you can.
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NLT)
So life’s seasons pass quickly. Someone said, “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end, the faster it rolls!” This may have special significance since we’re fighting over the toilet paper supply! But, seriously, life is rolling by, and this season of turmoil, uncertainty, sickness and fear will pass, too. It came, to pass. It always does. The question is: What do we do about it? Every season of life has its pitfalls, trials, temptations, and disappointments. And every season of life has its blessings, lessons, memorable moments, and joy. Every season of life, however challenging, is a mixed bag. We are called to rise above every circumstance as we trust in the Lord. Can we trust Him to help us? Yes! Will He ever forsake us? No! Is there grace to deal with the challenges? Yes! We are all moving, not just toward the end of our earthly lives, but to the end of history as we know it. And who will ultimately end it and have the final say? JESUS! He is Lord of every season. Believe it.
Lord, help us to trust You in this season of our lives, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mikel Donahue, mikeldonahue.com, used by permission. Thanks, Mikel, and God bless you.