He’s stealthy and invisible,
There, but you can’t see,
The presence of unending love,
To set the captive free.
He flows just like a river,
Pools in the lowest place,
Where hearts that break reach up to take,
A drink to run life’s race.
He blows like wind in treetops,
You see the wind’s effect,
So fresh and new, He brings to you,
What heals, adjusts, corrects.
He baptizes with fire,
To burn life’s dross away,
He purifies, refines and tries,
To fill us everyday.
He is the Holy Spirit,
Jesus said He sends,
He comforts you, speaks what is true,
God’s presence never ends.
Springs up to life eternal,
From deep within our hearts,
The glory of God’s story,
He shares all the best parts.
So don’t throw in the towel,
Or get down and give up,
Don’t quit it ‘cause the Spirit,
Will overflow your cup.
He will never leave you,
He’ll never let you down,
He brings the grace for all you face,
Sets free what has you bound.
So, welcome, Holy Spirit!
The blessed Paraclete,
Your wind and fire will awe inspire,
And You’ll make us complete.
“Rivers of living water will flow from his heart…” (John 7:38, NLT)
Jesus offered to quench the thirst of all who believe with what He called living water, and went on to say that this living water would flow like a river from the heart of the one who drinks it. John explained that Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit that would soon come to live within them. What a beautiful word picture of God’s power and presence in us. The Holy Spirit is just that- the river of God’s presence that not only satisfies but also spills out of our lives to quench the thirst of others. How have this reduced all of this to a boring effort to obey God’s rules? Are you kidding? The powerful, unpredictable flow of a river is anything but static! It is the very life of Jesus living through us. He will do through us what we could never do. Then the day will come when He rewards our cooperation. Don’t miss the adventure of the Spirit!
Lord, fill us with Your Spirit today, in Jesus’ name.
Art by JaNeil Anderson, janeilanderson.com. Used by permission. Thanks, JaNeil, and God bless you.