And then my horse unsaddled,
Is rolling in the dirt,
And I am still unpacking,
And thinking that the work,
Of getting all things ready,
To ride a hundred miles,
Was worth more than the effort,
And causes many smiles.
Remembering the people,
Who’ve come into my life,
Should throw them a hobble,
To make them stay all right.
But that’s the thing about it,
The loyalties are there,
And I feel connected,
To these new friends who care.
I do not need a hobble,
‘Cause I don’t think they’ll go,
I feel the love and loyalty,
And I just somehow know,
That like the salt of covenant,
We have made a pact,
Of life lived in the Spirit,
And it’s a well-known fact,
That those He binds together,
Are sealed by what He said,
Where two or three are gathered,
He’s there with you, instead.
Yes, I have my horse unsaddled,
And bout to get some rest,
Sometimes God surprises us,
With friends who are the best.
“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ…” (Galatians 6:2, NLT)
We need help with our burdens, and God sends people who can help us. Sometimes these folks are just too obvious to miss. Other times I believe we’re so bogged down with burdens that’s all we can see. When you ask the Lord to help you, don’t be surprised when He sends people to help you that you might not pick. But that’s a part of the beauty of walking in faith. Don’t argue when God sends someone. Instead, make It your business to accommodate their eccentricities. God will bless you for ti.