The pastures green,
A springtime’s scene,
And everywhere new birth,
The bonnets blue,
And paintbrush, too,
Across this Texas earth.
I smell it fresh,
Slicked off horseflesh,
Cool evenings and warm days,
The Brazos near,
Glad we are here,
And plan to stay always.
The seasons turn,
It’s wisdom learn,
By those with ears to hear,
God’s whisper there,
Speaks loving care,
And drives out every fear.
The cattle thrive,
All is alive,
And there is work to do,
We don’t complain,
But will remain,
Faithful through and through.
He gave us this,
And we are His,
We steward what He gave,
He gives us breath,
Went down in death,
He rose our souls to save.
History’s best,
Through Calvary’s test,
And then on that third day,
In God-sent spring,
The time to sing,
He rose indeed, we say.
“But our High Priest offered Himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time…” (Hebrews 10:12, NLT)
This time of year our thoughts turn to nature’s rebirth. As winter subsides and springtime takes its place, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus said “It is finished,” He meant that He, in obedience to the Father, had made the necessary sacrifice to bring salvation to all. It has been called the “scandal of particularity,” that God in this one place, time and act would accomplish the world’s way of salvation. As the scriptures say, “ a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time.” Much has changed since Jesus died. But the one thing that has not, nor ever will, is human nature. And because of this we need the sacrifice Jesus made for us. May the spiritual springtime of Jesus’ resurrection give us new life.
Lord, help us to accept Your sacrifice, in Jesus’ name.