

What does it mean to have and show strength,

Is it being a bully, unkind,

Some think it so and really don’t know,

The difference that they ought to find.


Does God-given strength take advantage,

Or seek to find fault with the weak,

No, never to do, I promise it’s true,

The strong are both humble and meek.


This does not mean they are door-mats,

And will not stand up for what’s right,

But they depend on God’s grace, and the smile on His face,

And the Spirit’s what gives them their might.


They’ll forgive just the way they’re forgiven,

And look old scratch in the eye,

Fiercely they walk, in Christ’s name they talk,

Resist him and bid him good-bye.


The strong will take care of the children,

Never exploit or abuse,

They serve and protect, and only expect,

Us to call to put them to use.


So, no, the strong are not perfect,

But we need them and their steady hand,

To fear them is wrong, because they belong,

To the best who are serving our land.


And, Lord knows, these times call for heroes,

Thank God He will send them I know,

Whenever the need, the Lord will take heed,

The strong will be ready to go.

“But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV)

The biblical notion of strength is completely different from the world. The world equates strength with size, power, money and prestige. We have “influencers” who produce nothing but entertainment for social networking fans, and are rewarded with lots of money. There are people who have political power but are devoid of any sense of authentic, biblical justice, yet who are able to control huge segments of society. And I could go on…But all of this is turned on its head when the scriptures speak. Paul recognized when he was really strong, and that was when he recognized his own weakness and depended on God. The flow of God’s strength through an individual is triggered by their humility and willingness to give God all the credit.

Lord, give us Your strength, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Owen, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.

Brad McClain