"When the Spirit Comes"
When He talked about the Spirit,
And they were getting near it,
Not just with, but inside He would be,
He’d send to them His presence,
And Jesus’ very essence,
Would lead them to the truth and set them free.
The Spirit, yes, of sonship,
Establishing their kinship,
The great Creator God would now be Dad,
Crying Abba, Father,
Now entirely proper,
Giving more assurance than they had.
God’s comfort He would give them,
And they would learn to please Him,
By sharing freely with the ones in pain,
Their relief so awesome,
The peace within them blossom,
What passes understanding now will reign.
Transforming with great freedom,
Magnificent we see ‘em,
Changed to be like Jesus everyday.
And that is still the vision,
Of the Spirit’s mission.
The Holy Spirit leading us this way.
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth…” (John 14:16-17, NIV)
Jesus promised His disciples that He would send them the Holy Spirit. The word translated “Counselor” is actually “Parakletos” which means counselor, comforter, advocate, intercessor, strengthener, helper and more. The presence of Jesus would soon indwell them, and the Spirit of truth would inundate them. It is this power that will energize them to change the world. They got a taste on Easter night but were fully empowered on Pentecost. The same power upon which they were dependent is necessary for our witness in this generation. To be Spirit-filled is essential to an effective witness.
Lord, we ask to be energized by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.